Decisions by Subject

Child labour Top

Brazil - Regional Labour Tribunal of 19th Region, Ministry of Labour v. City of Maceio, 18 August 2009, Case No. 01080-2009-004-19-00-9
Canada - Supreme Court of British Columbia, Regina v. Kenneth Klassen, 19 December 2008, Case No. 24292
China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - Court of Appeals, Secretary for Justice v. Man Kwong Choi, 16 July 2008, [2008] 5 HKLRD 519
Colombia - Constitutional Court of Colombia, 2 March 2004, Decision No. C-170/04
European Court of Human Rights - European Court of Human Rights, Siliadin v. France, 26 October 2005, Application No. 73316/01
France - Council of State (“Conseil d’État”), Litigation Section, Ms. Cinar, 22 September 1997, No. 161364
India - Supreme Court of India, Kalyaneshwari v. U.O.I & Ors, 21 January 2011
India - Supreme Court of India, Bachpan Bachao Andolan v. Union of India & Others, [2011] 5 SCC 1
India - Supreme Court of India, M.C. Mehta v. State of Tamil Nadu, 31 October 1990, AIR 1991 SC417; and 10 December 1996, AIR 1997 SC 699
Inter-American Court of Human rights - Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Vargas Areco v. Paraguay, 26 September 2006, Series C, Case No. 155
Sierra Leone - Special Court of Sierra Leone, Prosecutor v. Sam Hinga Norman, 31 May 2004, No. SCSL-2004-14-AR72(E)
South Africa - High Court, Van Wyk v. Daytona Stud Farm (Pty) Ltd. & others, 28 July 2006, Case No. 9668/02
United States - United States District Court, Roe v. Bridgestone Corp., 492 F. Supp. 2d 988 (S.D. Ind. 2007)
Zimbabwe - High Court, The State v. R.M. (a juvenile), 5 October 2006, Case No. HC 2830/06

Collective bargaining Top

Argentina - Supreme Court of Justice, Asociación de Trabajadores del Estado (A.T.E.) and others v. Government of Argentina (Executive Branch), 29 August 2000, Decision No. 19.896
Canada - Supreme Court of Canada, Saskatchewan Federation of Labour v. Saskatchewan, 30 January 2015, Case No. 2015 CSC 4
Canada - Supreme Court of Canada, Health Services and Support – Facilities Subsector Bargaining Assn. v. British Columbia, 8 June 2007, 2007 SCC 27; [2007] 2 S.C.R. 391
Colombia - Supreme Court of Justice, Employment Appeals Chamber (Sala de Casación Laboral), Luz Marina Díaz v. the Municipality of Bello, 25 June 2009, Case No. 36108
European Court of Human Rights - European Court of Human Rights, National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers v. United Kingdom, 8 April 2014, Case No. 31045/10
European Court of Human Rights - European Court of Human Rights, Grand Chamber, Demir and Baykara v. Turkey, 12 November 2008, Application No. 34503/97
Peru - Supreme Court of Justice, Constitutional and Social Law Chamber, 26 May 2011, Case No. 1426-2010
Peru - Constitutional Court, Second Chamber, Callao Maritime and Port Workers’ Union (Sindicato Único de Trabajadores Marítimos y Portuarios del Puerto del Callao, SUTRAMPORPC), 17 August 2009, Case No. 03561-2009-PA/TC
Peru - Constitutional Court, Juan José Gorriti and more than 5,000 citizens v. Congress of the Republic of Colombia, 12 August 2005, Case No. 008-2005-PI/TC
Peru - Constitutional Court, Second Chamber, Peruvian Chamber of Construction (Cámara Peruana de la Construcción-CAPECO) re. extraordinary appeal, 26 March 2003
South Africa - Labour Court of South Africa, Chamber of Mines of South Africa v. Association of Mineworkers of South Africa, National Union of Mineworkers, United Association of South Africa, 23 June 2014, Case No. J99/14
South Africa - Constitutional Court of South Africa, NUMSA v. Bader Bop, 13 December 2002, Case No. CCT 14/02
Tanzania, United Republic of - High Court of Tanzania, Labour Chamber, Chodawu v. Mkonge Hotel, Case No. 1 of 2011, 4 April 2014
United Kingdom - Central Arbitration Committee (CAC), The Pharmacists’ Defence Association Union (PDAU) v. Boots Management Services Limited, 29 January 2013, Case No. TUR1/823/ 2012

Dismissal Top

Argentina - Labour Court of Appeal of the City of Santa Fe, First Chamber, Fernández, Pedro c/ Ortiz, Arcangel v. CPL, 8 March 2012, Case No. 98/10
Argentina - Supreme Court of Justice, González, Martín Nicolás v. Polimat S.A. and other, 19 May 2010
Argentina - National Court of Appeal, Fifth Chamber, Parra Vera Maxima v. San Timoteo SA conc., 14 June 2006, Case No. 144/05 s.d. 68536
Argentina - National Labour Appeals Court, Sixth Chamber, Balaguer, Catalina T. v. Pepsico de Argentina S.R.L., 10 March 2004
Argentina - Labour Court of First Instance of the Southern Judicial District, Vargas, Bernardo Silenio v. Provincial Executive Branch, Provincial Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, concerning an administrative dispute, 30 September 1998, Case No. 556, Final decision No. 565
Australia - Federal Court of Australia, Konrad v. Victoria Police & Ors, 6 August 1999, [1999] FCA 988
Australia - Australian High Court, Qantas Airways Limited v. Christie, 19 March 1998, [1998] HCA 18
Australia - Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission, Termination, Change and Redundancy Case, 2 August 1984 [1984] 8 I.R. 34.R. 34
Belgium - Brussels Labour Court, 20th Chamber, D.D. v. SA Vanduc-Topfilm, 20 February 1992, Roll No. 79-759/91
Benin - Cotonou Court of First Instance, First Class, 7 December 2009, Case No. 05-2005
Benin - Cotonou Court of First Instance, First Class, 20 July 2009, Case No. 54-2002
Botswana - Industrial Court of the Republic of Botswana, Mpho C. Ganelang v. Tyre World Ltd., Case No. IC 169/13
Botswana - Industrial Court of the Republic of Botswana, Terence T. Showa & 16 others v. Pathfinder Enterprises T/A NIIT, 17 October 2011, No. IC 822/09
Botswana - Industrial Court of the Republic of Botswana, Sebako and Another v. Shona Gas, undated, 2006 (1) BLR 86 (IC)
Botswana - Industrial Court of Botswana, Lemo v. Northern Air Maintenance (PTY) Ltd., 22 November 2004, Case No. 2004 (2) BLR 317 (IC)
Botswana - Industrial Court of Botswana, Monare v. Botswana ASH (PTY), 28 March 2004, Case No. 2004 (1) BLR 121 (IC)
Botswana - Industrial Court of Botswana, Sarah Diau v. Botswana Building Society, 19 December 2003, No. IC 50/ 2003
Botswana - Industrial Court of Botswana, Joel Sebonego v. News Paper Editorial and Management Services Ltd, 23 April 1999, No. IC 64/98
Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou Labour Court, Zongo and others v. owner of the Bataille du Rail Mobil garage, 17 June 2003, No. 090
Canada - Supreme Court of Canada, Slaight Communication Incorporated v. Ron Davidson, 4 May 1989, [1989] 1 S.C.R. 1038
Caribbean Court of Justice - Caribbean Court of Justice, On appeal from the Court of Appeal of Belize, Mayan King Ltd v. Jose L. Reyes and Others, Appeal No. CV 3 (2011), 6 July 2012
Chile - Supreme Court of Chile, Carlos Castro Cortés v. Wackenhut - Chile, 1 August 2001, Case No. 2549-01
Chile - Supreme Court of Chile, Víctor Améstida Stuardo and others v. Santa Isabel S.A., 19 October 2000, Case No. 10.695
Colombia - Constitutional Court, Actions calling for legal protection (tutela) lodged individually by 33 women v. various individuals and legal entities, 13 February 2013, Case No. SU-070-13
Colombia - Constitutional Court, President of the Medellín branch of the Asociación Sindical de Empleados del Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario (ASEINPEC) and others v. Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario (INPEC), 23 July 2003, Case No. T-603-03
Colombia - Constitutional Court, Fourth Appellate Supervisory Chamber, Sindicato de las Empresas Varias de Medellín v. Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Foreign Relations, the Municipio of Medellin and Empresas Varias de Medellín E.S.P., 10 August 1999, T-568/99
Costa Rica - Supreme Court of Justice, Constitutional Chamber, 8 October 1993, Decision No. 5000-93
Croatia - Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia, 10 January 2001, No. U-III 727-1997
Estonia - Tallinn District Court, Administrative Division, Ly Kovanen v. Ownership Reform Department of the City of Tallinn, 6 November 2001, Case No. II-3-286/2000
Ethiopia - Addis Ababa Court of Appeal, 31 July 2006, File No. 48008
European Court of Human Rights - European Court of Human Rights, I. B. v. Greece, 3 October 2013, Case No. 552/10
France - Supreme Court, Social Chamber, 26 March 2013, Appeal No. 11-25580
France - Supreme Court (“Cour de cassation”), Social Chamber, 4 June 2009, Appeal No. 08-41.359
France - Supreme Court (“Cour de cassation”), Social Chamber, Mr. Samzun v. Ms. de Wee, 1 July 2008, Appeal No. F 07-44.124
France - Supreme Court (“Cour de cassation”), Social Chamber, 29 March 2006, Appeal No. 04-46.499
France - Supreme Court (“Cour de cassation”), Social Chamber, 25 January 2005, Appeal No. 04-41.012
Georgia - Tbilisi Court of Appeal, G. Z. and K. G. v. Georgian Railway, 17 November 2014, Case No. 2b/3964-14
Georgia - Supreme Court of Georgia, D.B v. Tbilisi State University, 2 October 2014, Case No. AS-106-101-2014
Indonesia - Court of Industrial Relations, Ahmadun and others v. Hotel Atlantic, 28 September 2006, Case No. 55/PL/G/2006/PHI.PN.JKT.PST
Kenya - Industrial Court of Kenya, Universities Academic Staff Union v. Maseno University, 18 September 2013, Case No. 814'N' of 2009
Lesotho - Labour Court of Lesotho, Serame Khampepe v. Muela Hydropower Project Contractors and four others, 2 September 1999, No. LC 29/97
Lesotho - Labour Court of Lesotho, Matete and Bosiu v. Lesotho Highlands Development Authority and the Chief Executive, 9 February 1996, No. LC 131/95
Lesotho - Labour Court of Lesotho, Maisaaka’Mote v. Lesotho Flour Mills, 9 November 1995, No. LC 59/95
Malawi - Court of Industrial Relations of Malawi, Banda v. Mahindra Lekha, 1 June 2005, Case No. IRC 277 of 2004
Malawi - Malawi Supreme Court of Appeal, Blantyre, Malawi Telecommunications Ltd v. Makande and another, 7 May 2007
Malawi - Industrial Relations Court of Malawi, Davison Tchete v. Safeguard Services, 1 April 2002, No. 6 of 2000
Maldives - High Court of the Republic of Maldives, Crown Company Private Limited v. Abdulla Anis, Mohamed Sadiq & others, 12 March 2013, Case No. 2012/HC-A/183
Maldives - High Court of the Republic of Maldives, Maldives Transport and Contracting Company Plc. (MTCC) v. Ahmed Mohamed, 30 January 2012, case No. 2011/HC-A/134
Morocco - Sidi Slimane Court of First Instance, Mounir Ouharro C. v. Ismaïl Alaoui, 25 May 2005, No. 58/2005
Papua New Guinea - National Court of Justice of Papua New Guinea, Sukuramu v. New Britain Palm Oil Ltd, 16 February 2007, [2007] PGNC 21; N3124
Paraguay - Appellate Labour Court, Second Chamber, Inca S.A.C.I. v. Virgilio Villalba on justification of the reason for dismissal, 30 May 2000, Agreement and decision No. 41
Peru - Constitutional Court, The United Workers Union of Telefónica del Peru SA and Fetratel, 11 July 2002, File No. 1124-2001-AA/TC
Philippines - National Labour Relations Commission, Broadwater Marine Phils. Inc. and others v. Imefhel Rodrigo, Case No. VAC-03-000136-2013
South Africa - Labour Court of South Africa at Johannesburg, Gary Shane Allpass v. Mooikloof Estates (Pty) Ltd, 16 February 2011, Case no.: JS178/09
South Africa - Labour Appeal Court, Modise and others v. Steve’s Spar, 15 March 2000, Case No. JA 29/99
Spain - Constitutional Court, Parliament of Navarre v. Law 3/2012, Case No. 5603-2012
Spain - Supreme Court of Spain, Secundino C.R. v. TOVIC S.L., 2 October 1989
Spain - Constitutional Court of Spain, Second Chamber, 23 November 1981, Case No. 38/1981
Tanzania, United Republic of - High Court of Tanzania, Labour Chamber, Nicodemu Mwita v. Bulyanhulu Gold Mine, Review No. 12 of 2013, 15 November 2013
Trinidad and Tobago - Industrial Court, Banking, Insurance and General Workers’ Union v. Tri-Star Latin-America Ltd., South West Regional Health Authority, Tobago Regional Health Authority, 23 January 2007, Case No. 74 of 2002
Trinidad and Tobago - Industrial Court of Trinidad and Tobago, Bank and General Workers’ Union v. Public Service Association of Trinidad and Tobago, 27 April 2001, Trade dispute No. 15 of 2000
Trinidad and Tobago - Industrial Court of Trinidad and Tobago, Bank and General Workers’ Union v. Home Mortgage Bank, 3 March 1998, No. 140 of 1997
Zimbabwe - High Court of Zimbabwe, Gift Bob David Samanyau & 38 Ors v. Fleximail (Private) Limited, 4 November 2010 and 8 June 2011, HC 108-11

Domestic workers Top

Brazil - Regional Labour Tribunal of the Third Region, Tenth Chamber, Melo Filho, Oswaldo v. Rodrigues de Miranda, Espólio de Theodomira, 4 November 2009, TRT -00491-2009-091-03-00-0-RO
Brazil - Regional Labour Tribunal of the Third Region, Lacir Vicente Nunes v. Sandoval Alves Da Rocha and others, 7 May 2003, TRT-RO-3951/03
European Court of Human Rights - European Court of Human Rights, Siliadin v. France, 26 October 2005, Application No. 73316/01

Employment relationship Top

Brazil - Regional Labour Tribunal of the Third Region, Rogério Ferreira Gonçalves (1) Infocoop Servíços – Cooperativa de Profissionais de Prestação de Servíços Ltda (2) Caixa Económica Federal CEF (Responsável Subsidiária), 30 September 2003, 00652-2003-017-03-00-0RO
Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou Labour Court, Worokuy Esaie v. Clinique des Genêts, 8 January 2009, Judgment No. 008
Madagascar - Antsirabe Labour Court, 22 May 2006, Case No. 13/RG/TT/06
Trinidad and Tobago - Industrial Court, Banking, Insurance and General Workers’ Union v. Tri-Star Latin-America Ltd., South West Regional Health Authority, Tobago Regional Health Authority, 23 January 2007, Case No. 74 of 2002

Equal remuneration Top

Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou Labour Court, Compaore v. Sitarail, 25 March 2003, No. 037
India - Supreme Court of India, Mackinnon Mackenzie v. Audrey D’Costa and another, 26 March 1987, [1987] 2 SCC 469
Italy - Turin Court of Appeal, Lanificio Tallia Gruppo v. Ceria Mary, 29 May 1964
New Zealand - Supreme Court, Van Gorkom v. Attorney General and another, 10 February 1977, [1977] 1 NZLR 535
Togo - Lomé Labour Tribunal, Ms SANVEE Karine v. La Brasserie du Bénin, 23 March 2004, no. 039/2004

Forced labour Top

European Court of Human Rights - European Court of Human Rights, C.N. and V. v. France, Application No. 67724/09, 11 October 2012
European Court of Human Rights - European Court of Human Rights, Graziani-Weiss v. Austria, Application No. 31950/06, 18 October 2011
European Court of Human Rights - European Court of Human Rights, Stummer v. Austria [GC], Application No. 37452/02, 7 July 2011
European Court of Human Rights - European Court of Human Rights, Siliadin v. France, 26 October 2005, Application No. 73316/01
European Court of Human Rights - European Court of Human Rights, Van der Mussele v. Belgium, Application No. 8919/80, 23 November 1983, Series A No. 70
Germany - Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1 July 1998, 2 BvR 441/90
Pakistan - Federal Shariat Court, Syed Shabbir Hussain Kazmi and others v. Government of Pakistan and others, 10 October 2005
Zambia - Supreme Court of Zambia, Civil jurisdiction, Standard Chartered Bank Zambia Limited v. Peter Zulu and 118 others, 13 November 1997, No. 59 of 1996

Freedom of association Top

Argentina - Supreme Court of Justice, Asociación de Trabajadores del Estado (A.T.E.) re. Action of unconstitutionality, 18 June 2013, Case No. A.598.XLIII
Argentina - Labour Court of Appeal of the City of Santa Fe, Second Chamber, Asoc. Pers. Munic. Las Colonias v. Fed. Sind. Trab. Munic. Festram and other re. Appeal, 6 September 2012, Case No. 59
Argentina - Supreme Court of Justice, Adriana María Rossi v. National State – Argentine Navy, 9 December 2009, R. 1717. XLI
Argentina - Supreme Court of Justice, Asociación de Trabajadores del Estado (A.T.E.) v. the Ministry of Labour, 11 November 2008, A. 201. XL
Argentina - National Court of Appeal, Fifth Chamber, Parra Vera Maxima v. San Timoteo SA conc., 14 June 2006, Case No. 144/05 s.d. 68536
Botswana - Industrial Court of Botswana, Botswana Railway Crew Union v. Botswana Railways Organisation, 10 November 2008, Case No. 2008 (3) BLR 359 (IC)
Brazil - Higher Labour Court, Zavascki, Roberto Antonio v. Companhia Minuano de Alimentos, Brasilia, 15 February 2012, Case No. TST-RR-77200-27.2007.5.12.0019
Canada - Supreme Court of Canada, Health Services and Support – Facilities Subsector Bargaining Assn. v. British Columbia, 8 June 2007, 2007 SCC 27; [2007] 2 S.C.R. 391
Canada - Supreme Court of Canada, Dunmore v. Ontario (Attorney General), 20 December 2001, No. 2001 SCC 94, [2001] 3 S.C.R. 1016
Caribbean Court of Justice - Caribbean Court of Justice, On appeal from the Court of Appeal of Belize, Mayan King Ltd v. Jose L. Reyes and Others, Appeal No. CV 3 (2011), 6 July 2012
Chile - Appellate Court of Santiago, José Patricio Olivares Tapia and Carlos Octavio Abarca González v. María Soledad Hurtado Gálvez, 6 November 2000, Case No. 2840-2000
Chile - Supreme Court of Chile, Carlos Castro Cortés v. Wackenhut - Chile, 1 August 2001, Case No. 2549-01
Chile - Supreme Court of Chile, Víctor Améstida Stuardo and others v. Santa Isabel S.A., 19 October 2000, Case No. 10.695
Colombia - Constitutional Court, 3 September 2008, Decision No. C-858/08
Colombia - Constitutional Court, 9 July 2008, Decision No. C-695/08
Colombia - Constitutional Court, 14 May 2008, Decision No. C-465/08
Colombia - Constitutional Court, President of the Medellín branch of the Asociación Sindical de Empleados del Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario (ASEINPEC) and others v. Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario (INPEC), 23 July 2003, Case No. T-603-03
Colombia - Constitutional Court, Plenary Session, Benjamín Ochoa Moreno republic action of unconstitutionality, 17 May 2000, C-567/00
Colombia - Constitutional Court, 5 April 2000, C-385/00
Costa Rica - Supreme Court of Justice, Constitutional Chamber, 8 October 1993, Decision No. 5000-93
European Court of Human Rights - European Court of Human Rights, National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers v. United Kingdom, 8 April 2014, Case No. 31045/10
European Court of Human Rights - European Court of Human Rights, Third Section, Enerji Yapi-Yol Sen v. Turkey, 21 April 2009, Application No. 68959/01
European Court of Human Rights - European Court of Human Rights, Grand Chamber, Demir and Baykara v. Turkey, 12 November 2008, Application No. 34503/97
France - Supreme Court (“Cour de cassation”), Syndicat du transport et des activités d’assistance sur les aéroports parisiens, 3 March 2010, Appeal No. 09-60.283
France - Supreme Court (“Cour de cassation”), Social Chamber, Syndicat des producteurs de miel de France v. Syndicat national de l'apiculture et Union nationale de l'apiculture française, 13 January 2009, Appeal No. 07-17.692
Honduras - Labour Appeals Court, Hugo Humberto Rodríguez Rojas and others v. Wackenhut de Honduras S. A. de C. V. re ordinary labour claim, 10 October 2006
Indonesia - Court of Industrial Relations, Ahmadun and others v. Hotel Atlantic, 28 September 2006, Case No. 55/PL/G/2006/PHI.PN.JKT.PST
Inter-American Court of Human rights - Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Huilca Tecse v. Peru, 3 March 2005
Inter-American Court of Human rights - Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Baena Ricardo and others v. Panama, 2 February 2001
Lithuania - Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, 14 January 1999, No. 8/98
Mexico - Supreme Court, Second Chamber, Democratic Federation of Unions of Public Servants, 4 March 2005, Amparo en revisión 1878/2004
Nigeria - National Industrial Court of Nigeria in the Lagos Judicial Division, Nestoil ltd v. National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers, 8 March 2012, NIC/LA/08/2010
Paraguay - Supreme Court of Paraguay, Application of unconstitutionality raised by the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT) and the Central Nacional de Trabajadores (CNT) v. Presidential decree No. 16769, 23 September 2000, Case No. 35
Peru - Constitutional Court, Second Chamber, Callao Maritime and Port Workers’ Union (Sindicato Único de Trabajadores Marítimos y Portuarios del Puerto del Callao, SUTRAMPORPC), 17 August 2009, Case No. 03561-2009-PA/TC
Peru - Constitutional Court, Juan José Gorriti and more than 5,000 citizens v. Congress of the Republic of Colombia, 12 August 2005, Case No. 008-2005-PI/TC
Peru - Constitutional Court, The United Workers Union of Telefónica del Peru SA and Fetratel, 11 July 2002, File No. 1124-2001-AA/TC
Philippines - Supreme Court of the Republic of the Philippines, The Heritage Hotel Manila, acting through its owner, Grand Plaza Hotel Corporation v. National Union of Workers in the Hotel, Restaurant and Allied Industries-Heritage Hotel Manila Supervisors Chapter, 12 January 2011, G.R. No. 178296
Philippines - Supreme Court of the Republic of the Philippines, UST Faculty Union and others v. Dir Benedicto Ernesto R. Bitonio, Jr, and others, 16 November 1999, G.R. No 131235
Senegal - Constitutional Council, 17 July 2013, Case No. 2/C/2013
Slovenia - Constitutional Court of Slovenia, Independent Trade Unions of Slovenia v. the Act on Representativeness of Trade Unions, 5 February 1998, No. U-I-57/95
South Africa - Constitutional Court of South Africa, NUMSA v. Bader Bop, 13 December 2002, Case No. CCT 14/02
South Africa - Constitutional Court of South Africa, South African National Defence Union v. Minister of Defence, 26 May 1999, Case No. CCT 27/98
Spain - Spanish Constitutional Court, 7 November 2007, Case No. 236/2007
Spain - Supreme Court of Spain, Secundino C.R. v. TOVIC S.L., 2 October 1989
Spain - Constitutional Court of Spain, Second Chamber, 23 November 1981, Case No. 38/1981
Tanzania, United Republic of - High Court of Tanzania, Labour Chamber, Chodawu v. Mkonge Hotel, Case No. 1 of 2011, 4 April 2014
Ukraine - Constitutional Court of Ukraine, 18 October 2000, Case No. 1-36/2000
United Kingdom - Central Arbitration Committee (CAC), The Pharmacists’ Defence Association Union (PDAU) v. Boots Management Services Limited, 29 January 2013, Case No. TUR1/823/ 2012

General principle of equality Top

Argentina - Labour Court of First Instance of the Southern Judicial District, Susana Elena Ordóñez v. Government of the Province of Tierra del Fuego, concerning an administrative dispute, 29 August 2000, Interim judgment No. 787
Botswana - Court of Appeal, Attorney-General v. Dow, 3 July 1992, BLR 119 (CA)
European Court of Human Rights - European Court of Human Rights, First Section, Kiyutin v. Russia, 10 March 2011, Application No. 2700/10
Mauritius - Supreme Court of Mauritius, Constitutional Chamber, Pointu v. The Ministry of Education and Science, 27 October 1995, No. S.C.J. 350
Romania - Constitutional Court of Romania, 25 February 1993, Decision No. 6
Togo - Court of Appeal, Lomé, Mathéky Michel Mathey-Adely and Others v. Mrs Dédévi Virginie Mathey-Adely, widow, 24 September 2009, No. 140/2009

Holidays with pay Top

Argentina - Supreme Court of Justice, González, Martín Nicolás v. Polimat S.A. and other, 19 May 2010
Azerbaijan - Constitutional Court of the Azerbaijan Republic, On the conformity of Article 143.1 of the Labour Code of the Azerbaijan Republic with Articles 25, 37 and 149.1 of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, 23 February 2000
Brazil - Regional Labour Tribunal of the Third Region, Tenth Chamber, Melo Filho, Oswaldo v. Rodrigues de Miranda, Espólio de Theodomira, 4 November 2009, TRT -00491-2009-091-03-00-0-RO
Brazil - Regional Labour Tribunal of the Third Region, Lacir Vicente Nunes v. Sandoval Alves Da Rocha and others, 7 May 2003, TRT-RO-3951/03
Court of Justice of the European Union - Court of Justice of the European Union, Grand Chamber, KHS AG v. Winfried Schulte, 22 November 2011, Case No. C‑214/10
Italy - Milan Magistrate’s Court, Vitali-Airoldi v. Maserati Spa and Officine Alfieri Maserati, 21 July 1994
Italy - Milan Magistrate’s Court, AMSA v. Miglio, 28 March 1990
Italy - Savona Magistrate’s Court, Fiumanò Rossotti v. società Fiat, 8 November 1982
Uruguay - Appellate Labour Court of First Instance, CHH v. TSA for payment of leave not taken and vacation salary, 12 March 1993, Decision No. 475

Hours of work Top

Court of Justice of the European Union - Court of Justice of the European Union, Gerhard Schultz-Hoff v. Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund and Stringer and Others v. Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (references for a preliminary ruling from the Landesarbeitsgericht Düsseldorf and the House of Lords), 20 January 2009, Joined Cases No. C-350/06 and C-520/06
France - Supreme Court, Social Chamber, 23 January 2013, Appeal No. 10-20568
Peru - Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Peru, Constitutional and Social Law Chamber, Peruvian Institute of Social Security (Seguro Social de Salud, ESSALUD) re. cassation appeal, 11 May 2011, Case No. 1001-2010
Peru - Constitutional Court, 17 April 2006, Case No. 4635-2004-AA/TC

Indigenous and tribal peoples Top

Argentina - Supreme Court of Justice, Neuquén Indigenous Confederation, re. action of unconstitutionality, 10 December 2013, Case No. 1324 XLVII
Belize - Supreme Court of Belize, Aurelio Cal, in his own behalf and on behalf of the Maya village of Santa Cruz & Others v. the Attorney General of Belize & Others, 18 October 2007, nos. 171 and 172/2007
Costa Rica - Supreme Court of Justice, Constitutional Chamber, Antonio Blanco Rodríguez and others v. The President of the Republic, the Minister of Government and Politics, the Institute of Agrarian Development and the National Commission of Indigenous Affairs, 11 August 1999, Decision No. 06229-aa
Costa Rica - Supreme Court of Justice, Constitutional Chamber, José Manuel Paniagua Vargas and other civil servants of the National Commission for Indigenous Affairs v. The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport and the National Commission for Indigenous Affairs (CONAI), 16 January 1998, Decision No. 0241-98
Guatemala - Constitutional Court, Community Development Committee of the Community of Chicanchiu Chipap and others v. Ministry of Energy and Mining, 5 February 2013, Case No. 4419-2011
Guatemala - Constitutional Court, Community Development Councils of the Community of El Pilar I and II and others v. Municipal Council of San Juan Sacatepéquez, 21 December 2009, Case No. 3878-2007
Peru - Supreme Court of Justice, Instituto de Defensa Legal v. ruling of the Third Civil Chamber of the High Court of Lima of 29/09/2011, 23 May 2013, Case No. 2232-2012

Maternity protection Top

Benin - Cotonou Court of First Instance, First Class, 20 July 2009, Case No. 54-2002
Colombia - Constitutional Court, Actions calling for legal protection (tutela) lodged individually by 33 women v. various individuals and legal entities, 13 February 2013, Case No. SU-070-13
India - Madras High Court of India, K. Kalaiselvi v. Chennai Port Trust, 4 March 2013
India - Supreme Court of India, B. Shah v. Presiding Officer of the Labour Court, 12 October 1977, Case No. 1978 AIR 12 1978 SCR (1) 701
Netherlands - Central Appeals Tribunal, 29 May 1996, LJN: AL0666

Migrant workers Top

China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - Court of Appeal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Civil Appeal No. 218 of 2005 (appeal of decision HCAL No. 30/2003)
Colombia - Constitutional Court, 5 April 2000, C-385/00
France - Council of State (“Conseil d’État”), Groupe d’information et de soutien des immigrés and Fédération des associations pour la promotion et l’insertion par le logement, 11 April 2012, No. 322326
Germany - Federal Administrative Tribunal, Judgment of 28 May 1991, BVerwG 1 C 20.89

Minimum wages Top

Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou Labour Court, Worokuy Esaie v. Clinique des Genêts, 8 January 2009, Judgment No. 008
Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou Labour Court, Zongo and others v. owner of the Bataille du Rail Mobil garage, 17 June 2003, No. 090

Occupational safety and health Top

Argentina - Supreme Court of Justice, Appeal on points of fact, Pinturas y revestimientos aplicados S.A. v. bankruptcy proceedings, 26 March 2014
Argentina - Labour Court of Appeal, Larocca María Cristina v. Compañia Sudamericana de Gas S.R.L. and Other, Civil Action related to an accident, 28 August 2013, Case No. 37.691/2010
Argentina - Supreme Court of Justice, Aquino, Isacio v. Cargo Servicios Industriales S.A., 21 September 2004, A. 2652. XXXVIII
Brazil - Regional Labour Tribunal of the Third Region, Second Chamber, Gomes de Araújo, Geraldo v. Fiat Automóveis S.A – Filial Mecanica Fire, Belo Horizonte, 31 August 2010, Case No. 01777-2009-142-03-00-1 RO
Brazil - Regional Labour Tribunal of the Third Region, First Chamber, Nunes Da Silva Namir and others v. De Faria Esdron Antonio, 20 November 2006, Case No. 00398-2006-096-03-00-5-RO
Costa Rica - Supreme Court of Justice, Constitutional Chamber, Hernán Oconitrillo Calvo v. the Municipality of San José, 23 April 1999, Decision No. 1999-02971
India - Supreme Court of India, Kalyaneshwari v. U.O.I & Ors, 21 January 2011
Peru - Constitutional Court, 17 April 2006, Case No. 4635-2004-AA/TC
Spain - Supreme Court of Justice, Appeal for reconsideration, Juan Ramón v. Cubiertas y Mzov S.A., Necso entrecanales cubiertas S.A., Construcciones Vildavisa S.L., Revestimientos Ángel Juárez S.L., Impermeabilizaciones Olabarrieta S.L., Cia de seguros Bilbao vida, Cia. de seguros Bansyr S.A., Amsyr agrupación seguros y reaseguros, Cia. de seguros AGF-Union Fenix, Nuprocem S.A., Cia de seguros Winterthur y Revestimientos Olabarrieta S.L., 9 October 2001

Protection against discrimination in employment and occupation Top

Argentina - Supreme Court of Justice, Sisnero Mirtha Graciela and others v. Taldelva SRL and others, 20 May 2014, Case No. 932 XLVI
Argentina - Supreme Court of Justice, Adriana María Rossi v. National State – Argentine Navy, 9 December 2009, R. 1717. XLI
Argentina - National Court of Appeal, Fifth Chamber, Parra Vera Maxima v. San Timoteo SA conc., 14 June 2006, Case No. 144/05 s.d. 68536
Australia - Federal Court of Australia, The Commonwealth of Australia v. Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission, 15 December 2000, [2000] FCA 1854
Australia - Australian High Court, Qantas Airways Limited v. Christie, 19 March 1998, [1998] HCA 18
Australia - Industrial Relations Tribunal, Vera Sapevski, Velika Trajkosta, Cvetanka Levnarovska, Todonka Ristevska, Mirian Morales, Rosa Sagredo and Myriam Araneda v. Katies Fashions, 8 July 1997, IRC No. 219/97
Australia - Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission, Termination, Change and Redundancy Case, 2 August 1984 [1984] 8 I.R. 34.R. 34
Bangladesh - Supreme Court of Bangladesh, BNWLA v. Government of Bangladesh, 14 May 2009, Petition No. 5916 of 2008
Benin - Cotonou Court of First Instance, First Class, 7 December 2009, Case No. 05-2005
Botswana - High Court of Botswana, 12 October 2012, Case No. Mahlb-000836-10
Botswana - Industrial Court of Botswana, Lemo v. Northern Air Maintenance (PTY) Ltd., 22 November 2004, Case No. 2004 (2) BLR 317 (IC)
Botswana - Industrial Court of Botswana, Monare v. Botswana ASH (PTY), 28 March 2004, Case No. 2004 (1) BLR 121 (IC)
Botswana - Industrial Court of Botswana, Sarah Diau v. Botswana Building Society, 19 December 2003, No. IC 50/ 2003
Botswana - Industrial Court of Gaborone, Moatswi and Another v. Fencing Center (Pty) Ltd, BwlC 2002, 7 March 2002
Brazil - Regional Labour Tribunal of the Third Region, First Chamber, Osorio Leites Edson v. Sogal - Sociedade de Onibus Gaucha Ltda., 22 June 2011, Case No. TST-RR-61600-92.2005.5.04.0201
Brazil - Higher Labour Court, Sub-section 1 specializing in individual disputes, São Paulo Transporte S.A. v. Gilmar Ramos Da Silva, 5 March 2003
Bulgaria - Constitutional Court of Bulgaria, 27 July 1992, Decision 8, Constitutional Case No. 7
Burkina Faso - Koudougou Labour Court, J.B. K. Sankara v. Orphelinat Pèdg Wendé, 5 February 2009, No. 003
Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou Labour Court, Compaore v. Sitarail, 25 March 2003, No. 037
Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou Labour Court, Savadogo Zonabo v. Grands Moulins du Burkina, 10 September 2002, No. 140
Canada - Supreme Court of Canada, Dunmore v. Ontario (Attorney General), 20 December 2001, No. 2001 SCC 94, [2001] 3 S.C.R. 1016
Canada - Quebec Human Rights Tribunal, Human Rights and Youth Rights Commission v. University of Laval, 2 August 2000, No. 200-53-000013-982, 2000 CanLII 3 (QC T.D.P.)
Colombia - Constitutional Court, Fourth Appellate Supervisory Chamber, Sindicato de las Empresas Varias de Medellín v. Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Foreign Relations, the Municipio of Medellin and Empresas Varias de Medellín E.S.P., 10 August 1999, T-568/99
Estonia - Tallinn District Court, Administrative Division, Ly Kovanen v. Ownership Reform Department of the City of Tallinn, 6 November 2001, Case No. II-3-286/2000
European Court of Human Rights - European Court of Human Rights, I. B. v. Greece, 3 October 2013, Case No. 552/10
European Court of Human Rights - European Court of Human Rights, Second Section, Sidabras and Dziautas v. Lithuania, 27 July 2004, Application Nos. 55480/00 and 59330/00
Germany - Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany, Decision of 18 November 2003, 1 BvR 302/96
Honduras - Labour Appeals Court, Hugo Humberto Rodríguez Rojas and others v. Wackenhut de Honduras S. A. de C. V. re ordinary labour claim, 10 October 2006
India - Supreme Court of India, Vishaka and others v. State of Rajasthan and others, 13 August 1997, [1997] 6 SCC 241
India - Supreme Court of India, Mackinnon Mackenzie v. Audrey D’Costa and another, 26 March 1987, [1987] 2 SCC 469
Italy - Turin Court of Appeal, Lanificio Tallia Gruppo v. Ceria Mary, 29 May 1964
Kenya - Industrial Court of Kenya, Phelesia Olukunga v. The Board of Trustees Association for Better Land Husbandry and Rodney Jim Keneally, 28 February 2014, Case No. 927
Kenya - Industrial Court of Kenya, Veronica Muthio Kioka v. Catholic University of Eastern Africa, 8 November 2013, Case No. 1161 of 2010
Kenya - Industrial Court of Kenya, Universities Academic Staff Union v. Maseno University, 18 September 2013, Case No. 814'N' of 2009
Madagascar - Antsirabe Labour Court, Ramiaranjatovo, Jean-Louis v. Fitsaboana Maso, 7 June 2004, Judgment No. 58
Madagascar - Supreme Court, Dugain and others v. Compagnie Air Madagascar, 5 September 2003, Decision No. 231
Malawi - Court of Industrial Relations of Malawi, Banda v. Mahindra Lekha, 1 June 2005, Case No. IRC 277 of 2004
New Zealand - Supreme Court, Van Gorkom v. Attorney General and another, 10 February 1977, [1977] 1 NZLR 535
Nigeria - National Industrial Court of Nigeria, Ejieke Maduka v. Microsoft, 19 December 2013, Case No. NICN/LA/492/2012
Nigeria - National Industrial Court of Nigeria in the Abuja Judicial Division, Mrs Folarin Oreka Maiya v. The Incorporated Trustees of Clinton Health Access Initiative Nigeria & Ors, 11 November 2011, Case No. NIC/ABJ/13/2011
Norway - Supreme Court of Norway, Diasos v. the Diakonhjemmet Senior Administrative Officer, 27 November 1986
Paraguay - Appellate Labour Court, Second Chamber, Carmen Sachelaridi Knutson v. Cooperativa Santísimo Redentor Ltda. concerning payment of Guaranis for several items, 26 May 2000, Agreement and decision No. 40
Philippines - Supreme Court of the Republic of the Philippines, International School Alliance of Educators v. Hon Leonardo A. Quisumbing and others, 1 June 2000, G.R. No. 128845
South Africa - Labour Court of South Africa at Johannesburg, Gary Shane Allpass v. Mooikloof Estates (Pty) Ltd, 16 February 2011, Case no.: JS178/09
South Africa - Constitutional Court of South Africa, Jacques Charl Hoffman v. South African Airways, 28 September 2000, Case No. CCT 17/00
Spain - Constitutional Court of Spain, Second Chamber, 23 November 1981, Case No. 38/1981
Tanzania, United Republic of - High Court of Tanzania, Labour Chamber, Nicodemu Mwita v. Bulyanhulu Gold Mine, Review No. 12 of 2013, 15 November 2013
Togo - Lomé Labour Tribunal, Ms SANVEE Karine v. La Brasserie du Bénin, 23 March 2004, no. 039/2004

Protection of wages Top

Argentina - Supreme Court of Justice, Appeal on points of fact, Pinturas y revestimientos aplicados S.A. v. bankruptcy proceedings, 26 March 2014
Argentina - Supreme Court of Justice, Paulo Vicente Díaz v. Cervecería y Maltería Quilmes S.A., 4 June 2013, Case No. D. 485. XLIV
Argentina - Supreme Court of Justice, González, Martín Nicolás v. Polimat S.A. and other, 19 May 2010
Argentina - Supreme Court of Justice, Aníbal Raúl Pérez v. Disco S.A., 1 September 2009, P. 1911. XLII
Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou Labour Court, Zongo and others v. owner of the Bataille du Rail Mobil garage, 17 June 2003, No. 090
Kenya - Industrial Court of Kenya, 6 December 2004, Case No. 79/2002

Right to strike Top

Botswana - High Court of Lobatse, Botswana Public Employees’ Union and others v. Minister of Labour and Home Affairs and others, MAHLB-000674-11, 9 August 2012
Brazil - Higher Labour Court, Zavascki, Roberto Antonio v. Companhia Minuano de Alimentos, Brasilia, 15 February 2012, Case No. TST-RR-77200-27.2007.5.12.0019
Burkina Faso - Bobo – Dioulasso Appeal Court, Social Chamber, Messrs. Karama and Bakouan v. Société Industrielle du Faso (SIFA), 5 July 2006, No. 035
Canada - Supreme Court of Canada, Saskatchewan Federation of Labour v. Saskatchewan, 30 January 2015, Case No. 2015 CSC 4
Colombia - Supreme Court of Justice, R y R. asociados S.A. v. national trade union of workers in the cork, plastics, polyethylene, polyurethane, synthetics, components and derivatives processing industry, 27 August 2014, Case No. 59413
Colombia - Supreme Court of Justice, Employment Appeals Chamber (Sala de Casación Laboral), CBI Colombiana S.A v. Petroleum Industry Workers’ Trade Union (USO), 10 April 2013, Case No. 59420
Colombia - Supreme Court of Justice, Employment Appeals Chamber (Sala de Casación Laboral), Carbones de la Jagua S.A. v. National Union of Mining and Power Industry Workers (SINTRAMIENERGETICA), 10 April 2013, Case No. 57731
Colombia - Constitutional Court, 3 September 2008, Decision No. C-858/08
Colombia - Constitutional Court, Fourth Appellate Supervisory Chamber, Sindicato de las Empresas Varias de Medellín v. Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Foreign Relations, the Municipio of Medellin and Empresas Varias de Medellín E.S.P., 10 August 1999, T-568/99
European Court of Human Rights - European Court of Human Rights, National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers v. United Kingdom, 8 April 2014, Case No. 31045/10
European Court of Human Rights - European Court of Human Rights, Third Section, Enerji Yapi-Yol Sen v. Turkey, 21 April 2009, Application No. 68959/01
Fiji - Arbitration Tribunal, Fiji Electricity & Allied Workers Union v. Fiji Electricity Authority, 9 May 2006, [2006] FJAT 62; FJAT Award 24 of 2006
Kenya - Industrial Court of Kenya, Universities Academic Staff Union v. Maseno University, 18 September 2013, Case No. 814'N' of 2009
Nigeria - Industrial Court of Nigeria, Aero Contractors Co. of Nigeria Limited v. the National Association of Aircrafts Pilots and Engineers, the Air Transport Senior Staff Association of Nigeria and the National Union of Air Transport Employees, 4 February 2014, Case No. NICN/LA/120/2013
Peru - Constitutional Court, Juan José Gorriti and more than 5,000 citizens v. Congress of the Republic of Colombia, 12 August 2005, Case No. 008-2005-PI/TC
Russian Federation - Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, On the case concerning the verification of constitutionality of Article 12 of the Law of the USSR of 9 October, 1989 “On the Order of Settlement of Collective Labour Disputes (Conflicts)”, 17 May 1995
Senegal - Constitutional Council, 17 July 2013, Case No. 2/C/2013
South Africa - Labour Court of South Africa, Chamber of Mines of South Africa v. Association of Mineworkers of South Africa, National Union of Mineworkers, United Association of South Africa, 23 June 2014, Case No. J99/14
South Africa - Constitutional Court of South Africa, NUMSA v. Bader Bop, 13 December 2002, Case No. CCT 14/02
South Africa - Constitutional Court of South Africa, South African National Defence Union v. Minister of Defence, 26 May 1999, Case No. CCT 27/98

Seafarers Top

Estonia - Supreme Court, Constitutional Review Chamber, 27 May 1998, No. 3-4-1-4-98

Sexual harassment Top

Bangladesh - Supreme Court of Bangladesh, BNWLA v. Government of Bangladesh, 14 May 2009, Petition No. 5916 of 2008
India - Supreme Court of India, Vishaka and others v. State of Rajasthan and others, 13 August 1997, [1997] 6 SCC 241
Kenya - Industrial Court of Kenya, Phelesia Olukunga v. The Board of Trustees Association for Better Land Husbandry and Rodney Jim Keneally, 28 February 2014, Case No. 927
Nigeria - National Industrial Court of Nigeria, Ejieke Maduka v. Microsoft, 19 December 2013, Case No. NICN/LA/492/2012
Paraguay - Appellate Labour Court, Second Chamber, Carmen Sachelaridi Knutson v. Cooperativa Santísimo Redentor Ltda. concerning payment of Guaranis for several items, 26 May 2000, Agreement and decision No. 40
Tanzania, United Republic of - High Court of Tanzania, Labour Chamber, Nicodemu Mwita v. Bulyanhulu Gold Mine, Review No. 12 of 2013, 15 November 2013
Zimbabwe - Labour Relations Tribunal, Frederick Mwenye v. Textile Investment Company, 8 May 2001, No. LRT/MT/11/01

Social security Top

Azerbaijan - Constitutional Court of the Azerbaijan Republic, On Conformity of Article 109 of the Law on Pension Maintenance of Citizens with Articles 25, 38 and 71 of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, 29 December 1999
France - Supreme Court (“Cour de cassation”), Castanié v. Widow Hurtado, Request of 27 February 1934
Netherlands - Central Appeals Tribunal, 29 May 1996, LJN: AL0666
Taiwan, Province of China - Judicial Yuan, 2 August 2002, No. 549

Telework Top

Colombia - Constitutional Court, Action of unconstitutionality against articles 3 and 6.1 of Law 1221 of 2008 establishing standards to promote and regulate telework and other provisions, 19 June 2013, Case No. C-351/13

Tripartite consultations Top

Colombia - Constitutional Court, Action of unconstitutionality against articles 3 and 6.1 of Law 1221 of 2008 establishing standards to promote and regulate telework and other provisions, 19 June 2013, Case No. C-351/13

Workers with family responsibilities Top

Australia - Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission, Termination, Change and Redundancy Case, 2 August 1984 [1984] 8 I.R. 34.R. 34
Lesotho - Labour Court of Lesotho, Palesa Peko v. The National University of Lesotho, 1 August 1995, No. LC 33/95